About University of Nevada, Reno

University of Nevada, Reno Extension is a major unit of the University and resides in the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources.  Extension uses peer-reviewed research to find solutions to community-based issues and needs within six broad legislatively mandated areas: Agriculture; Children, Youth, and Families; Community Development; Health and Nutrition; Horticulture; and Natural Resources. The mission is to discover, develop, disseminate, preserve and use knowledge to strengthen the social, economic and environmental well-being of people and their communities.  Extension has offices in 16 of Nevada’s 17 counties with programs that span large urban centers with over two million residents to isolated ranching and farming communities of several hundred or fewer inhabitants.


  • Extension County Coordinator – Carson/Storey County

    University of Nevada, Reno UNR Extension Office - Carson/Storey County
    • Posted 3 weeks ago
    • August 12, 2024